When you create a website or blog your initial lack of visitors can be both disappointing and frustrating. However it is important to gain some perspective. Remember there are millions of websites worldwide and huge number of posts being published on a daily basis. It is not enough to publish a post and expect a flood of visitors. How quickly your traffic grows can depend upon your niche, how well you promote your content, the quality of your content, the design of your website and whether you have a budget to promote your site. Within this post we are going to outline 5 ways to increase traffic to your blog or website.

1. Social Media
This first method of promoting your blog or website is unlikely to come as any kind of shock. However it is important to remember that Facebook and Twitter are not the only two social networks. Although they are the two biggest it is important not to neglect the other social networks. Although Google+ does not have as many active users it is a great source to share your links. and do not forget to launch a Google+ page for your website similarly to a Facebook page. It is also beneficial to link your Google+ page to your website. StumbleUpon and LinkedIn are also great sources for free promotion.

2. BiziTalk
This is the website that was set up for small businesses and it is a great way to promote your blog or website. Bizitalk use the hashtag #bizitalk on Twitter. If you become a member of Bizitalk then you can potentially gain huge exposure as they retweet members who use this hashtag. There are a number of benefits to joining the business membership which is priced from as little as £5 per month or £50 for an annual subscription.

3. Web design
Web design or the layout of your website is sometimes an area that is forgotten. However it is important that this area is not neglected. If you use WordPress the Divi theme can be a great theme to utilise. A blog or website that looks great, is user friendly, improves the user experience and increases your conversion rate is important. The Divi theme is designed to assist you develop a professional website and achieve your goals.

4. AdRoll
This is a tool we have only just become aware of however we feel it is one of the great ways to increase traffic to your blog or website. AdRoll utilizes retargeting this is a concept that targets users that have visited your site previously and displays retargeting adverts when they are visiting other sites to encourage them back to your site. Additionally AdRoll also make use of Facebook to display your retargeting adverts. AdRoll claim that you gain a high return on investment. Although this is a paid service AdRoll are currently offering a two week free trial so this gives you a great opportunity to test out this form of advertising and see if it meets your needs and budget.

5. RebelMouse
We have found RebelMouse to be an excellent source to increase traffic to your blog or website. RebelMouse is a platform which allows you to share your best social content. You can integrate your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social accounts to RebelMouse and it will pull and publish your optimal content to your RebelMouse site. You can also access statistic that inform you posts that have been engaged with the most allowing you to create more of what is popular. We think that RebelMouse is a platform definitely worth utilizing. Even before we became a member we were gaining some great traffic from RebelMouse.

Original article by Tips4Blogging  and reproduced with their permission For more great tips for blogging visit Tips4Blogging


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