Working from home is the dream for many employees, but job flexibility has perks for employers too…
1. It saves money
Allowing employees to work from home or on a flexible schedule is actually a great way to save money on resources – think lower utility bills, less office space and less equipment to buy and maintain.
2. Reduces turnover
A small business is only as good as the people who work for it, so if you want to keep your best employees, then offer more flexibility. That and it is expensive to hire and train new employees!
3. Increases productivity
When your employees can work when it is best for them, productivity will increase. If someone is useless before 10am, then why not let them start later, and finish later? You may also find that they are grateful for the opportunity to work flexibly, and work harder to keep the option viable.
4. Reduces absences
If you allow your staff to work flexibly, you might find that the number of absences reduces significantly as your staff will no longer need to take whole days off when they have Drs appointments or children’s sports days etc.
5. Attractive benefit
When you are hiring new staff advertising flexible working as a benefit is a great way to make your business stand out from your competitors.
6. Extends talent pool
Say goodbye to location restrictions, and hello to hiring based purely on talent and experience. Just make sure you are on top of communication!
How many of you offer flexible working, and how have you found it beneficial?
by Sadie