The world of social media is ever changing, with new networks and terms appearing left right and centre. So, we thought we would create a little dictionary. We have started off with the basics, but we want you to help us add to it – because we have probably forgotten a few! So, use the comments section and let us know what you want to add, or if there is anything you would like us to define…
DM – Direct message. A private message between you and one of your followers.
Favourite – The equivalent of a Facebook like, but you can see a list of all the tweets you have favourited.
Follower – Someone who follows your tweets
Following – Someone who’s tweets you follow
Hashtag – A way to categorise a tweet into a topic. These are great for bringing people together who want to discuss a particular topic, and can also expand your reach
Manual RT – When you hit quote tweet rather than just straightforward RT
@Mention – When you mention someone in a tweet
MT – Modified Tweet, when you want to manually retweet, but there aren’t enough characters, so you modify the original tweet
RT – Retweet. When you share someones tweet to your followers.
Subtweet – Tweeting about someone or something without mentioning them directly.
Trending – What topics are being tweeted about the most.
Like – When you like a piece of content, or a page.
Share – When you share content to your friends. The same as a retweet.
Google +:
Hangout – A videochat with up to 9 people at once. Can be public or private, and can be streamed live. Can be used for webinars, and are automatically uploaded to your YouTube
Circle – A collection or list of people. These are your creation, and can be whatever you like, e.g. celebs, coworkers, SMEs.
+1 – The equivalent of a Facebook like
Avatar – The graphical representation of yourself online. Or your profile picture on twitter.
Ello – A new social network that has been created as an ad free alternative to other social networks. Its also invite only.
Group – A community of likeminded people, who are all there for the same reason. Often a more concentrated version of a page. Known as a ‘community’ in Google +
IRL – In real life.
by Bizitalk