It used to be that a website was enough on-line presence for a company, but customers are increasingly turning to places such as Twitter & Facebook for recommendations of services they need. Many people (potential & existing customers) on-line feel they are well within their rights to be very honest when recommending a service. Therefore, prospective users of services feel they can source valuable & honest recommendations.
Businesses that haven’t yet grasped how important this avenue of communication is are sadly falling behind, or worse, becoming prey to large swish Media Agencies who promise many things & charge a hell of a lot!
The world of conventional advertising is becoming more aggressive to cope with this shift, which has led to more cold calls & more inventive sales techniques from the traditional outlets such as Magazines/TV & Radio. They have felt the shift & are desperately trying to recoup their losses. Again this is something a Social Media naive small business may fall foul of.
However one of the ways that potential customers want to feel valued & connected is through communication & feeling personally valued..
When a person visits a business’s website that has lots of relevant information and complete product and contact information, this of course gives the “what” they are seeking, BUT they can get that from a thousand other websites also. Yes, of course this part of on-line marketing should never be overlooked but it should never be the only part of your on-line presence.
Now it is not just about having a website but about a business’s overall presence on the web.
To complete your presence you need to establish a connection and familiarity with people that makes them feel as if they are a part of your world & important to you.
Social Media really is very important & can have a massive effect if used correctly. I am a small business myself & totally appreciate the challenges small businesses face.
I work on trust, hence why I send comprehensive guides to my prospective clients, detailing what they can expect from me. How I will build that “family” of prospective clients/suppliers/sales avenues/networks.
Of course, they could use this & put my recommendations into practice themselves, or indeed take the plan to another company. However I am hopeful that in this current economic climate, Small Businesses will appreciate my passion for what I do & realise this will be transposed onto their business should I be involved.
We – the small business owner/director/manager are the backbone of the UK & I truly believe are the way we will rise from this recession. We should support each other.
by Rocoja Limited
Visit Us Here www.Rocoja.co.uk