Trust is a huge factor within any business. As sales people, you want gain a clients’ trust, source the ideal vehicle for them and get to know the client. Competition is strong between traditional high street and increasing in online agents making it harder to gain that valuable trust.
If asked to describe you, would most people choose these words? Honest, Listens, Delivers, Transparent, Professional, Integrity, Consistent, Genuine, Caring, Educator.
Follow these 10 steps and your clients will soon be singing your praises:
1. Honesty
The industry of sales is known to sometimes exaggerate to attract potential clients, however there is a thin line between being “creative with the truth” and misrepresentation. Be honest and never lie, even if the news is bad. Clients never buy from people they do not trust.
2. It’s not all about you
Be curious about your clients wants and needs. Understanding clients as people, rather than just a number can often open doors leading to more business and referrals.
3. Stand and Deliver
No one likes to be let down from a promise. Can you deliver everything that you promise your clients? Does your printed brochures and online marketing still reflect what services and products you still offer? Focus on your core principals and customer loyalty.
4. Excuses, Excuses!
Back to honesty – no one likes excuses why it didn’t happen. Never make excuses, deliver what you promised or provide a reason why you could not deliver. Everybody makes mistakes, and the client will be more forgiving if you tell them the truth rather than making excuses.
5. Don’t Bad Mouth Competition
The industry has seen competition rise fiercely from increases in traditional agents or on-line agents. You may have heard of awful behaviour from competitors or had personal experience with their services. Always rise above giving bad criticism and remain professional.
6. Display Integrity
Are you willing to make unpopular decisions because it’s the right thing to do for the client? Show integrity and you will gain respect and in turn trust.
7. Do you have a bad apple?
Your service and brand needs to be consistent from every member of your team. Consumers always remember the bad service over the good. Don’t let one bad apple ruin your client/agent relationship.
8. Be Real
The industry is a people profession so don’t hide. Be professional and don’t be afraid to show off the real you. This is your personal brand.
9. Care
As we all know, recruiting can be very stressful and the clients may also have other stressful situations to deal with at the same time. Show empathy and understanding to the clients needs and it will go a very long way.
10. Become A Teacher
Teach your clients. Teach your staff. Guide people, help them to be better and you will earn their trust and they will keep coming back to you again and again.
by Bigpageuk
This post was written by Dhiren for www.BigPage.co.uk